Unbridled Passion: A Riverton Crossing Novel Page 2
“Vanessa, you there?”
“Yeah, sorry. I’m here.”
“What were you thinking about?”
“My father and his reasons behind this marriage. You know, he apologized to me on his deathbed. A lot of good that did me.” A sad chuckle left her.
“I’m sorry, beautiful. God, I’d love to be holding you right now.”
She hesitated. “I’d love that too.” Would she love that? With Nathan, I think I would.
He cleared his throat. “So, about Charles, Judge Sherman released him,” Nathan said quietly.
“What? How?”
“She looked at his psych eval and his record. He’d never been in trouble in the eyes of the law.”
“So because I never filed a report before, she’s letting him out?”
“Not entirely, but she alluded to it. He has to stay within the county limits. He’ll be wearing an arrest monitor on his ankle, and he can’t come within two hundred yards of you. That’s the length of two football fields, Ness. It’s not ideal, but the town and county police will be programmed into the alarm on his monitor. I swear, we’re going to watch him closely.” He paused. “Listen, my buddy, Sam Baxter is assigned to him for the county. He’ll make sure we’re looped in on everything.”
“And do you think that’ll stop him if he really wants to kill me?”
“No, but it’ll give us an early warning if he starts in your direction.”
“I guess.”
“Come on, Ness, this is killing me too.” He blew out a breath. “So what else did you and the attorney discuss?”
She knew he was trying to distract her. “My trust fund.” She rubbed her forehead. “He’s going to make sure it doesn’t get deposited into the account I have with Charles anymore. We found a bank where I could open an account with twenty-five dollars. That took a good chunk of my cash until the next deposit is made.”
“Do you need money until then?”
Her heart melted with his kindness. “Not right now, but thanks. I still have some of the groceries you bought me, so I’m good.”
“What about the money that’s already been deposited into that account?”
“He’s trying to get it frozen or at least the amount equal to my trust deposits, but I don’t know if it’ll work. We may end up splitting it in the divorce.” She paused. “When will he get out?” She needed to know.
“Today sometime. This is your official notice that your attacker has been granted bail, Mrs. Harper,” Nathan said through gritted teeth.
“Then why did you call on the burner phone?”
“Because I don’t want anyone knowing how long we were on the phone. This type of official call shouldn’t take but a few minutes. I don’t want to hang up, but I’ve got to get some sleep before my shift tonight. I’ll put more minutes on the phone. You call me if anything happens. Call me if you just want to talk or if you’re scared. Do you want me to request a patrol car drive by the house tonight?”
“Do you think he’d come down here tonight?”
“No, I think he’s going to be with Linda. They haven’t seen each other in forty-five days, so I figure he’s got a lot of time to make up for. And if he’s busy with her, I don’t have to worry about him coming after you.”
“I never thought I’d say I was happy my husband had a mistress, but tonight I am.”
“The patrol car?”
“No, let’s not use up those favors yet.” She smiled. No one had cared what happened to her in seven years.
“I’ll call you tonight.”
When she disconnected the call, a cold chill ran through her. She made sure the doors were locked before she set the alarm. With the house locked-up tight, she grabbed her main phone and walked to the beach.
Nathan ended his call and walked toward Evan’s office on his way out of the building. “How is she?” Evan called as Nathan walked past.
“She’s not happy.” He scrubbed his face with his hand. “I mean, she’s happy to be away from him, but she’s nervous. She’s never been on her own before, and now she’s worried about the lunatic coming after her.”
“Did you know she’d filed for divorce?”
“No, but she said she did it the day after I left her at the beach house.” Nathan tilted his head from side to side, cracking his neck. “When will we find out they released him and have the tracker turned on?”
“Sam said he’d call. As soon as I know, you’ll know.”
Nathan nodded while he pulled his bottom lip between his index finger and thumb. “She has a security system on the house, but I want there to be more. I don’t like her there by herself even though she assures me that she’s okay with it. I’m thinking about calling Craig,” Nathan said.
Evan’s brows shot up. “Craig Littlefield? The dog trainer?”
“Yeah, I mean, she doesn’t need a dog to sniff out ammunition, even though that may not be a bad idea.” Nathan’s wheels were turning in his head almost too fast to process. “You saw her, Evan. She’s so damn tiny that a hard wind could knock her down. She wouldn’t be much of a fight for anyone. Put a big dog between her and an intruder, and the odds increase tremendously.”
“Nathan, what if she’s allergic or, God forbid, doesn’t want one? She’s had other people’s wants and wishes forced on her since she was sixteen.” Evan leveled Nathan with his stare. “They’re a lot of responsibility. You need to ask her before you just surprise her with one.”
“Yeah, I need to find out if he’s got one available first though. It needs to already be trained. I don’t want her to have to do that,” Nathan said contemplatively. “Going to bed. Catch you later.” He shook Evan’s hand before he walked out of his office then turned on his personal cell and flipped through his contacts until he found who he was looking for. He placed the call as he slid behind the wheel of his patrol vehicle.
A deep voice came through the phone with a chuckle. “Nathan Cox, How the hell are ya, man?”
“Craig, I’m great. How are you?”
“Still enjoying small town America?”
“Yeah, man, I am.” Nathan shook his head and chuckled because he couldn’t believe just how much he was enjoying it.
“I know you didn’t just call to chat. What’s up?”
“I need a dog.”
“For a K-9 unit?”
“Nah, for a lady friend.”
A burst of laughter came through the phone. “What? The mighty Nathan Cox has met his match?”
Nathan rolled his eyes because he knew this was coming. He was just grateful Evan hadn’t started on it yet. “I don’t know, man. She just needs some extra protection from an abusive soon-to-be ex-husband.”
“Hmmm, I see.”
“Do you have one? I’d like it to have enough energy to play with her, but old enough to be house and car trained, and know what the hell to do when the need arises.”
“And you think the need will arise?”
“I don’t know. Maybe.” Nathan pulled into the parking lot of his apartments. He was grateful when Mitchell and Evan had suggested he rent Mitchell’s old apartment. Now that Ginger’s stalker was gone, they didn’t have a need for it, and Mitchell didn’t want it sitting empty, so it worked perfectly.
“What type of dog?” Craig asked, bringing him back to the present issue.
“German Shepherd?”
“When do you need him?”
“As soon as possible.”
“Send me some voice recordings to train him by. Depending on how quickly he picks up on her voice, will determine when he’s ready.”
“So you have one?”
“Yeah, asshole, I’ve got one. He’s about a year old, and his name is Max.”
“Okay. I’ll talk to her tonight and make sure I’m not overstepping, then get the voice recordings. You still want the same type stuff?”
“Yeah. He’s five hundred bucks.”
“Done. I’ll talk to you later.”
By the time Nathan had made it to the bedroom in his apartment, he was just short of passing out, so he took a quick shower and face planted into the bed, closing his eyes with visions of Vanessa on the beach with Max.
He rolled over, and the image of her changed. They were in the video room of the library, and it was the first time he saw her smile. Her back was to him, her long dark hair flowing down her back, then she turned to look at him over her shoulder with the most beautiful smile. He wished he could remember what he said to her because he’d repeat it every day if it meant he’d get that look from her.
The picture of her changed to the day at the beach house and the fear in her eyes when he’d had to leave her there alone. His gut clenched because he never wanted to see that look again, but the way her body softened when he pulled her in for a hug and kissed he forehead—that, he’d take that every day.
His dick thickened with the visions of her. His cock was so hard just thinking about her body next to his. He wrapped his hand around the base of his cock and stroked up, letting his hand brush over the D-ring penetrating the underside near the head, causing his balls to contract. A groan started deep within him and forced its way out. Fleetingly he wondered if Vanessa was going to enjoy his frenum piercing. He’d tell her about it before they had sex so she was prepared, but he knew that when he hit her G-spot she’d appreciate it. Just the thought had his hand moving faster.
His balls contracted, and the tingle of sweat beading at the base of his spine sent him over the edge. He drew in a breath and held it until he felt his cum creep up his shaft. With a grunt, he shot his load onto his stomach. His breathing was heavy, but his mind relaxed enough for him to drift off to sleep.
At five o’clock his alarm woke him. He hadn’t even moved from the position he went to sleep in which was good since his stomach was sticky from his semen. He stepped into the bathroom and ran a washcloth under hot water, then he ran it over his stomach as he thought about the day when he’d fill Vanessa. I might need a cold shower, he thought as he splashed cold water on his face.
Today was the last day of this rotation. He’d have a few days off, then rotate to days. He’d have time to get some groceries and take his uniforms to the cleaners. Looking around, he realized the apartment needed a good cleaning as well.
He picked up the phone and called Vanessa, but when she didn’t answer, dread washed through his body. Shit, what if something happened. He looked at his phone to make sure he hadn’t missed anything from Sam or Evan. They couldn’t let Charles out without a way to monitor him. He paced back and forth before he called again.
No answer.
He looked at the time on his phone and mentally calculated how long it’d take to drive to Edisto Island and back—an hour and a half. He could do it, but it’d be close. He shot her a quick text:
I’m on my way.
He dressed in record time. As he laced up his boots, “Alone With You” by Jake Owen sounded on his phone—Vanessa’s ringtone.
“Vanessa,” he answered in a rushed breath.
“Nathan? Is everything all right?”
“It’s better now. I was worried when you didn’t answer your phone. You can’t scare me like that, beautiful.”
“I’m sorry. After we spoke, I ate lunch and then felt guil—um, didn’t know what to do with myself, so I walked on the beach.”
“That wasn’t what you were going to say. Tell me.” He knew what was coming out of her mouth but needed to hear her say it.
The silence stretched too long.
“I felt guilty. I haven’t weighed myself since I’ve been here, and I know I’ve gained weight because some of my clothes are a little snug. I thought I should try to work some of it back off.”
“Vanessa, we have got to get him out of your head. You-are-beautiful. I want you to be healthy. And you heard what Thomas said—you need to gain some weight.”
“Nathan, I’m trying. Please don’t.” Her voice trembled.
He took a deep breath then tried to regain some of his composure. “I’m sorry. Ness, I can’t do this for you, but I’m here for anything you need. Anything.” His voice was almost a whisper.
“Thank you. So, was there a reason you called?”
“Yes, but I needed to calm down before I asked you something,” he said truthfully. Just listening to her breathe on the other end of the phone helped to soothe him.
“Are you still angry?”
“I’m getting better.” He chuckled. “Seriously, would you tell me if you weren’t okay?”
“I promise I’d tell you. I love the solitude here, but I’m getting lonely, and that’s when I start replaying things through my head, and all the brainwashing he did to me comes flooding back.”
“God, I want to be there with you.” He looked at his watch. “If I leave now, I could get back, but we’d only have five minutes tops to see each other. Tell me, do you want me to come there?”
“No, Nathan. That’d be ridiculous.” She hesitantly asked, “When’s the next time you’re off?”
“When I get off in the morning, I’m off for three days, then rotate to days.”
“Can I see you then?”
“Do you want to?”
“Yes…” Her voice was barely a whisper.
“Then you will.” His tone turned more cheerful. “In the meantime, I may have an idea for the loneliness.”
“Really?” Her voice cracked. “Nathan, I’m not ready to go back to Riverton Crossing yet.”
“I know. Believe me, as much as I want to be with you, the next four weeks will be easier if you’re not here.”
“So what’s your idea?”
He didn’t know what he’d do if she didn’t agree. “Hear me out, okay?” He paced through his apartment. “I know someone who trains guard dogs. I’ve told him what I want, and he’s got a dog available. He’s already house and car trained as well as attack ready. Would you like him?”
“Oh, Nathan, are you serious? I’ve never had a dog before. Do you think I could do this?”
“He’s a German Shepherd, so he’s big and will be good protection for you. I’m just scared he’ll pull you down the beach instead of just walking with you.” Nathan chuckled with the image in his head. “He’ll be good company, though. He’s a little over a year old, so he still has some puppy in him. I think you can handle him.”
“I’d love to have him. When?”
Thank you, God. That was easy. “That’ll depend on a couple of things. He’s got to learn your voice and your command word for him. I need four voice recordings that I can send my guy. The dog’s name is Max, and you need to make sure you use his name. First, I need one of you lovingly talking to the dog. Next, you need to pick a word that you’ll use in an emergency situation. Make it an everyday word so you won’t have to remember something out of the ordinary when you’re in a dangerous situation. Say the word normally so he can hear your voice calmly. Then say it two more times, each time a little more panicked. He’ll be trained to respond to your panicked voice. Can you do that for me tonight?”
“Yes, I’ll do them when we hang up.”
“Good. As soon as you send them to me, I’ll send them to my guy. Hopefully, he’ll respond quickly to your voice.”
“Thank you, Nathan.”
The gratitude in her voice made his heart swell, and he needed to get off this phone before he said something he shouldn’t. “Beautiful, I need to go. You get those recordings done, and I’ll see you in a couple of days, okay?”
“I will. You be safe tonight. I can’t wait to see you.”
He waited for her to disconnect the call because he wanted to hold on to any connection with her as long as he possibly could. When the call ended, he took a deep breath and ran his hand over his face.
He was in deep shit where this woman was concerned.
He was getting her a dog.
She felt as giddy as a school girl because a boy had
never given her gifts, not even Charles. As she made her favorite breakfast, she thought back to the first time her father took her to dinner to meet Charles and James Harper. As she plated her grits, egg, and bacon, she realized she no longer felt sick while eating and smiled. Charles would berate her for such a breakfast.
Her father’s voice invaded her head as clear as if he were standing beside her while she poured her coffee.
“Vanessa, I’m sure you know Charles Harper. He was a few years older than you in school,” her father said one Saturday morning.
“Yes, Daddy, I know him, why?”
“Well, his father asked us to join them tonight for dinner. Did you know Charles’s mother passed away several years back? That’s something the two of you have in common. Maybe, you’ll be good for each other, you know, have someone to talk to.”
Even today, she couldn’t find any need for concern in what he’d said prior to that dinner. There wasn’t a reason for her to refuse to go because she didn’t know that her dad knew Mr. Harper before that night. But then again, two widowers were sure to run into each other. Maybe they ate breakfast together at the restaurant where all the senior citizens went for a sausage biscuit every morning. Maybe her dad had a life she didn’t know anything about. She made a mental note to ask the attorney the next time they spoke.
As she walked to the back porch where she enjoyed her breakfast every morning, she let the sound of the waves crashing onto the beach wash over her. She loved the smell of the ocean, and it helped to calm her as her mind went back to that night.
They pulled up to one of the old Antebellum homes that still stood. It was well-tended, and she’d admired this house her entire life, imagining living there, how beautiful the inside would be. She never thought she’d actually see it. Her father walked straight up the stairs as if he’d been there a thousand times as she followed a few steps behind, trying not to be seen. He rang the doorbell, and they waited for the huge door to open.